Painting & Sculpture Creative Direction

YoYo is the creation of Rodanthi Senduka, the creator of the Emblem of Olympic Games Athens 2004, and the *etsi, creative platform. Rodanthi's interest in the essence of Greece is a long-term study and pursue. “I love the light, the zest for life obvious in different occasions in our everyday life. The harmony and simplicity of the physical environment in contrast with the “buzzy” Athenian urban life is one of my favourite source of inspiration”. What is YOYO Yo! is a youthful greeting. YoYo! An ancient greek and chinese game. In ancient Chinese YoYo means to be yourself. In essence, YoYo expresses the joy life. The YoYo bench is made from recycled wood pulp and has been awarded with 5 international and national awards and distinctions. YoYo extends into a line of everyday objects and artefacts. Each of them, either made by Rodanthi Senduka, or through her collaboration with another artist, designer, maker aims on a visual expression of sentiments, smells, memories, joys; the ways that currents, pasts and futures intertwine, allowing for a harmonic dwelling in a state of constantly becoming.