Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds

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Bacchus & Ariadne - Titian

'Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds' is based on Titian's Bacchus & Ariadne. My version was made in response to the UK's Tory Party new leadership campaign... winner, Boris Johnson, now the Tory leader and the UK's PM, is pictured here in the middle foreground as a height-challenged Bacchus. Theresa May, former PM, is Ariadne on the far left of the composition. The other characters in the work are either other candidates or significant 'players' before and after the leadership. Michael Gove, who left the competition at the penultimate voting round - before doing so, he admitted to having taken the class A drug Cocaine before he became an MP. Michael Gove is pictured here flying with a rainbow around his head and Medusa-like snakes n his hair. The lyrics of the Beatles song, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, were written after an LSD drug-induced vision... that title seemed appropriately fitting for my artwork. My artworks can be printed on a variety of materials and have the potential to be produced in a range of sizes, including large scale production. I have 1000+ artworks in my portfolio - the majority were made in the past 4 years. Many can be viewed on my website My artworks appear in Galleries, Corporate and Private Spaces, used as Illustrations for Printed and Digital Media applications (Books, Magazines, Advertising and Web) - Commissions Considered